Trying to find Your Ancestor's Military Records
Military Records War, this has been a the main United States since the beginning. In reality, our nation began with a war. In her storied history, Americans have fought in a number of wars, battles, skirmishes and conflicts. The information within military record is a generally over-looked gold mine for genealogist. The information you are able to glean from pension records can enable one to civil war pensions piece together your family. No one kept better records than the U.S. Government and when it comes to military records they left no stone unturned. Military records can be found in three major categories; Service Records, Pension Records, and Military Histories. Service Records Service Records cover the time period your ancestor was actually in the service. Service records will contain your ancestor's name, beginning rank, his highest rank or ending rank, and the unit they served in. Items that may also be unique to your ancestor can be found in the se...